SapEyes Active Dashboard for SAP System's
Another way for the presentation of the objects is done by "Gauges". Therefore an Image is prepared as "Gauge". During the runtime all the informations are shown and modified.
After you place the object on the Dashboard, the object will be autonom. In predefined cycles the object reads out the attached value from SAP and shows them on the screen. Depending on the value and the defined rules it will be shown by colours.
Every "Gauge" is based on an image with is available as a JPG-File. You are able to define your own "Gauges". It will be modified at runtime by colours and scalings.

Shows the white or Black Descriptions
The Description is shown by "Yellow" for Warnung
Every of this "Gauges" is realized by a single process. You can mix and combine the gauges with "Charts" and "Images".
The Description is shown by "Red" for Alert

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